Solar For All / AB 1990 needs your support!

Send an email right now to Assemblymember Fuentes and Speaker Perez to keep AB 1990 alive. We need your voice!

Tell Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes and Speaker John Perez that low-income communities and communities of color need clean air and green jobs, and AB 1990 will help get us there!

  • Sign the petition and send an email to Chair Fuentes and Speaker Perez urging them to pass AB 1990 “Solar for All” when they take up the suspense file this week.
  • Call Chair Fuentes and Speaker Perez directly and urge them to pass AB 1990 Solar for All:
    Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes: (916) 319-2039
    Speaker John Perez: (916) 319-2046

Last month, the state Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce passed AB 1990.  Now AB 1990 is stuck on the “suspense file” in the Assembly Appropriations (fiscal) committee where Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes is the Chair. Assembly Speaker John Perez is head of the Assembly and a critical vote to getting AB 1990 passed out of Assembly Appropriations. Send them an email today urging them to take AB 1990 off suspense and vote for Solar for All!

Why is Solar For All important?

Low-income communities and communities of color are bearing the burden of California’s dirty energy industry. They face pollution from power plants and refineries located next to their homes, while unemployment and poverty rates continue to soar. Our communities are “solar hot spots” with plenty of solar potential, but without the solar panels. They deserve to benefit from the clean energy economy with clean energy infrastructure and jobs!

The California Environmental Justice Alliance is sponsoring AB 1990 (Fong) — “Solar for All”  — that will build renewable energy right in our neighborhoods, create thousands of green jobs, and put us on the path to cleaner air. Solar for All is endorsed by over 80 social justice, environmental, business, and solar groups. Read the Solar for All factsheet.
