CEJA leaders converged in the Capitol for Spring Lobby Day on May 27, 2015 to advance our priority bills in the legislature
We were 40 members strong for this year’s Spring Lobby Day with 7 teams representing 10 grassroots environmental justice organizations from across the state. It was a critical time to speak directly to our legislators given that some of our bills were on suspense hold in Appropriations. CEJA members were able to bring their powerful stories straight from their communities to demonstrate how their place-based solutions must be taken into account in our statewide policy.
For the day, our lobby teams focused on AB 1062, AB 1071, SB 350, and SB 673 in CEJA’s Spring 2015 Legislative Agenda. These bills will increase investments into EJ communities, secure programs that ensure polluter fines benefit EJ communities, bring renewable energy to low-income communities and communities of color, and reform agencies like the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) that have long under-served EJ communities.
The next day, we received the exciting news that our Assembly Bills (AB 1062 & AB 1071) were voted out of Appropriations and would head to the Assembly Floor the following week, a testament to our determined push for Healthy Hoods and Energy Equity.
Click here for our Storify to see more photos and live tweets from throughout the day: