In a spectacular victory for environmental justice, communities across California defeated oil and gas giants before they even made it to the ballot.
Yesterday, Californians for Energy Independence pulled their referendum seeking to overturn the law creating 3,200 ft setbacks from the November 2024 election.
Organizers from environmental justice communities have fought against the toxic impact of oil and gas drilling on themselves, their families, and their loved ones for decades. Because of that grassroots advocacy, California passed a law (SB 1137) in 2022 that ended new gas and oil drilling within 3,200 feet of “sensitive areas” – places like homes, schools, playgrounds, and hospitals – and increased health and safety standards on existing wells. The fossil fuel industry spent almost $61 million dollars in response trying to repeal the law. As part of their campaign, Big Oil and Gas used underhanded tactics and lied to voters to get their referendum on the ballot. But they were unable to overcome frontline communities’ groundswell of grassroots environmental justice activism.
Our communities are overjoyed with our victory and thrilled to celebrate this win. There are nearly 30,000 oil wells within a half mile of homes, schools, hospitals, and other sensitive sites throughout the state. Those wells affect nearly three million Californians, 70% of whom live in communities of color. Our people have experienced significant harm: higher rates of asthma in our children, heart disease in our elders, miscarriages among parents, and more, as a result of the vicious greed of fossil fuel companies. This triumph is a clear step on the path toward a healthy, equitable reality for all of us.
Now, with Big Oil withdrawing the referendum, SB1137 will immediately go into effect to protect the health and safety of working families living within the 3,200 feet of oil and gas drilling. Our communities are thankful for the partnership of Senators Monique Limón, Lena González, and Assemblymember Issac Bryan to uphold these crucial safeguards.
Big Oil thought they could spend piles of cash and everyone would simply allow them to continue making frontline communities sacrifice zones. But we see what they can’t – Big Oil cannot and will not be allowed to sacrifice our communities for profit any longer. Big Oil cannot and will not buy their way out of democracy. Big Oil cannot and will not be our future.
Big Oil’s defeat has showcased, without a doubt, the power of environmental justice communities. Fossil fuels’ days are numbered in California, in the United States, and the world. A brighter future is possible, and we can build it together.
In solidarity,
Communities for a Better Environment
California Environmental Justice Alliance
Center on Race, Poverty, & the Environment
Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles
APEN Action
Black Women for Wellness Action Project
Voices in Solidarity Against Oil in Neighborhoods
Central California Environmental Justice Network
Central Valley Air Quality Coalition
Central California Asthma Collaborative