Climate Crisis, Community Solutions: A Path Forward for Los Angeles

There are times when reality is so shocking that words fail. It feels inadequate to use language to express our devastation at the loss of lives, homes, and livelihoods raging through Los Angeles this past week. Our state is burning and our hearts are broken. But our grief has been matched by inspiration and love. To everyone who has already donated, volunteered, or provided a shoulder to cry on for a friend: we can never thank you enough. 

The amount of disinformation spread in response to the Los Angeles Fires has been overwhelming, especially as people are desperate for answers. So, here are some facts. 

Over the past 10 years, human beings have produced approximately 350 billion tons of carbon dioxide as emissions through fossil fuel extraction and industrial production. That’s more than twice the weight of Mt. Everest in dangerous emissions since the release of the iPhone 6 in 2014, sucking moisture from our soil and our vegetation. As a result of rising greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, places like Los Angeles and other parts of the state have seen temperatures increase and rainfall decrease. The lack of rainfall in the LA region created the necessary fuel for massive wildfires and the 100 mph winds in the region became the vehicle for this widespread destruction. 

These wildfires were not just natural disasters, they were fueled by the climate crisis and the greed of fossil fuel companies.

As we rebuild from what is projected to be the most expensive disaster in the history of the United States, CEJA’s priority is supporting and protecting the families of those impacted by this tragedy. Price gouging, housing unaffordability, and skyrocketing insurance costs were already impacting the areas that burned, now these issues may permanently displace communities of color with low-income backgrounds. Polluters must pay for the climate catastrophe they have created and insurance companies must help those residents that have lost their homes. Residents and taxpayers must not be the ones who pay for the recovery from this catastrophe.

In times of crisis, it’s critical that we center and elevate community voices and community solutions. Now is the time to invest in Community Resiliency Centers, Transformative Climate Communities, renewable energy resources, and green housing. Our families deserve not only to survive, but thrive in the face of calamity. CEJA will continue to advocate for the health and safety not only of our members, but all Californians.    

For those who can, please consider donating supplies or money to support the work of our partners at SCOPE in Los Angeles and follow the work of Communities for a Better Environment (@cbe_cal on Instagram). 

For those who need, here are resources for recovery through Mutual Aid LA, the Office of Emergency Services, Listos California to help with recovery needs, and information for the LA Fires specifically. You can also use this resource for insurance questions in CA (or call 800-927-4357 to schedule an appointment), or attend an in-person workshop for insurance support in Pasadena, Santa Monica, and West LA.  

In Solidarity, 

The California Environmental Justice Alliance